Panchakarma Detox

Avatar Sanjeevani August 10, 2019 0 Comments

We are very much aware about user manual and maintenance of our car or cell phone. But unfortunately we are not at all aware about service and maintenance of our body.

Now a days we have much exposure to toxins like never before. Whatever we consume to keep body alive and healthy are having toxins within like grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, spices, ghee, oil etc. even it’s harder to get fresh air and clean water. These toxins when accumulated in the body will produce many diseases.

Our Rishi Muni have evolved an exclusive therapeutic procedure called Panchakarma to remove these accumulated toxins. Panchakarma is a routine service of our body. Panchakarma detox, clean and rejuvenate the body.

AboutThe Sanjeevani

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